Private Gate VPN
After 14 days of exploring with premium features, you're welcome to stay protected for free, or decide to keep the premium life going. The choice is always yours!
Unlock 14 Days of Premium VPN—Then Enjoy Free Access Forever
Avaliable for:

The choise is always yours!

After 14 days of exploring with premium features, you're welcome to stay protected for free, or decide to keep the premium life going.

Our Advantages
  • Work Anywhere
    We work where other VPNs - don't
  • Your privacy is our priority
    With Private Gate VPN, only you are the sole owner of your data. NO MORE ADS OR SPAM
  • Start for FREE
    After 14 Days of Premium freedom continue for free or go back to premium
Why Choose Us?
Fully anonymous browsing. 100% no-logs policy, no tracking your data stays yours.
Privacy Meets Performance
Protect all your devices. Whether it's Windows, macOS, Apple, or Android, we've got you covered.
Seamless Device Integration
Begin with 14 days of all-access premium on us, then decide to stay with our forever-free plan or continue the premium journey.
Freedom to Choose
Your digital footprint disappears with us. With a strict no-logs policy and dedicated privacy protocols, we ensure you're the sole owner of your data.
Privacy as a Standard, No Compromises
Break free from digital barriers with two revolutionary paths: security and control of our app-free option or simple, unblockable newest VPN protocol.
Global Without Limits
Enjoy 10 Mbps for HD videos, low ping, a stable connection. Set it and forget it.
Your journey to digital freedom starts and continues on your terms.
No ads, no spam—just unparalleled online freedom.
Our VPN Plans:
Our monthly memberships will be the best value for your money and offer some additional benefits
Free Post-Trial
Basic server access
Upgrade option available for full access
Single device connection
Access via IKEv2 protocol with speed limitations
Forever Free
Comprehensive server selection
Full access with no speed or data limits
Connect up to 5 devices at once
Multi-protocol support: xRAY and IKEv2
$1,5 / monthly
14-Day Free Premium Trial
Unlimited data and speed
Access to both xRAY and IKEv2 protocols
Up to 3 simultaneous connections
Selective server access
Free trial
Xray VPN Protocol Unveiled
Ultimate Privacy Meets Open-Source Integrity
Unlock a new era of internet freedom with Private Gate VPN's Xray Protocol. Designed to navigate the web without borders, Xray stands as your steadfast ally against censorship and surveillance, ensuring seamless access even where VPNs are traditionally blocked.

Open-Source Trust
The strength of open-source is its transparency and the global community of developers ensuring its security. This means you get a VPN solution that's not only effective but also validated for its integrity and privacy standards.
Community Verified
Our open-source applications automate your security, ensuring a foolproof setup and a robust defense against digital threats, without compromising on ease of use or privacy.
Automated & Secure
With Vless+Reality technology, Xray Protocol disguises your VPN traffic, making it indistinguishable from normal internet traffic, bypassing deep packet inspection and blockades effortlessly.
Unblockable Access
Embrace the Xray Protocol with confidence, thanks to our commitment to open-source applications. These tools are not just secure; they're transparent. Anyone can examine the code to confirm there are no backdoors or data-sharing with third parties. This community-driven scrutiny means the applications we recommend are as trustworthy as they are powerful.
Choose the Xray Protocol for an unblockable, secure online experience, supported by the trust and transparency of open-source software.
With Private Gate VPN, your digital journey is not just protected; it's revolutionised.
No Apps IKEv2 VPN Protocol
Pure Privacy. Why Go App-Free?
Experience the essence of simplicity and privacy with Private Gate VPN's No Apps IKEv2 Protocol. In a digital era where apps can monitor and share your data, our no-apps approach prioritises your privacy above all.
Enjoy a lightweight solution that enhances your device's performance by avoiding additional applications. Your VPN connection is as seamless and integrated as it gets, offering a robust online protection that's both effective and invisible.
Streamlined Experience
Leverage the IKEv2 protocol that's already preinstalled on your devices. Setting up your VPN is direct and hassle-free — no downloads, no installations. We provide you with a clean VPN configuration for a straightforward setup on any device.
Effortless Setup
Eliminate the risk of app-based tracking and data sharing with advertisers and third parties. Your actions remain your own, safeguarded within the confines of unparalleled privacy.
Uncompromised Privacy
With the No Apps IKEv2 VPN Protocol, Private Gate VPN delivers a pure, streamlined path to online security and privacy.
It's not just a feature — it's a commitment to keeping your digital life uncluttered and secure, exactly as it should be.
How It Works: Begin Your Secure
Online Journey
Sign Up and Select Your Device
Start by registering in your personal cabinet on our website.
Choose Your Path
Next, decide how you want to connect. Opt for the Simple Path with XRay for easy installation via various secure applications — a reliable choice even in regions where VPNs face blockages.
Alternatively, select the No-Apps Path with IKEv2 for maximum control over your online privacy and security.
Follow Our Guide
Depending on your chosen path, we provide both video and text guides to walk you through the VPN installation process.
These step-by-step instructions ensure a smooth setup, letting you secure your online activity in no time.

Enjoy 14 Days of Premium Access
With your VPN set up, dive into 14 days of our premium version, featuring unlimited connection speed and access to 4 VPN login servers.
You’re allowed 2 simultaneous connections, which can be configured across both XRay and IKEv2 protocols, based on your needs.
Premium Trial Benefits
The trial premium version doesn’t just offer comprehensive online protection; it also includes the flexibility to use two connections simultaneously across the XRay and IKE2v protocols, ensuring you’re covered on multiple fronts.

Choose Your Next Step
After your premium trial ends, you have the power to decide. Upgrade to Premium for up to 5 simultaneous connections across different protocols, unlimited speed, and access to an additional 6 VPN exit countries.
XRay VPN protocol is available only on premium plan.

Or, continue with the IKEv2 protocol with a speed limit for life, absolutely free.
What We Provide
Two paths: security and full control of app-free option or simple, unblockable newest VPN protocol XRay. 7 countries: USA, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Singapore
Unlock Your Safe Internet Today
Take the Final Step: Join the thousands who've already chosen Private Gate VPN for unbeatable online protection and freedom. Start Your 14-Day Free Premium Trial now — no credit card required, just instant access to our full suite of features.
Why You're Making the Right Choice
Take the Final Step: Join the thousands who've already chosen Private Gate VPN for unbeatable online protection and freedom. Start Your 14-Day Free Premium Trial now — no credit card required, just instant access to our full suite of features.
Your journey to a safer, unrestricted internet starts with a click.
Still Have Questions? We're here to help. Contact our support team for any inquiries or assistance. Your peace of mind is our top priority.
Upgrade Anytime or Keep Free. Loved your premium experience? Upgrade to keep enjoying our comprehensive server selection, up to 5 simultaneous connections, and the freedom to browse without limits.
If you are not satisfied, we will give you the money back.
"CODEAM" LLC 100085, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yangi Sergili Street, 27 VAT Number: 310 335 273